

The Biointernet Mask Infinity

Powerful the Biointernet Mask

Sleep mask for Bionet users

Masking technologies – The Infinity Mask

Another Door to the Future

About Infinity


The Biointernet Mask Infinity

Powerful the Biointernet Mask

The Mask

Another Door to the Future

Infinity, in addition to improving eye function, helps to process information in a Dream.

During sleep, the brain switches from the mode of accumulation of information to its processing.

External information flows are sharply reduced and it becomes possible to comprehend random events accumulated during the day.

Infinity promotes the transition to a special border state between sleep and wakefulness, in which information from the subconscious is easily perceived and a new synthesis understanding of the information processes that have passed during the day arises.

Many scientists note that discoveries and inventions come to them in a dream. The most famous case is that of Mendeleev, who dreamed of his Periodic Table of the Elements. Nikolo Tesla wrote about his inventions in such borderline states between sleep and wakefulness.

Infinity promotes the emergence of lucid dreams, due to which non-obvious connections between random events become Obvious, which contributes to the manifestation of luck in people’s lives.

Sleepy reality and ordinary reality are connected in the World of Structures (Translighters Basic Structures) into a single system.

Therefore, in a dreamy reality, it is possible to solve problems that are difficult to solve in ordinary reality.

Remember you dreams, or not – it does not matter. Work at the structural level with Infinity will take place in a dreamy reality at the subconscious level.

The result of such work with Infinity will be an increase in luck, an improvement in well-being, vitality and joy.

About Infinity


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