Gamma 7 devices for protection from Smog 2 (Electromagnetic Smog), Influence of geo-pathogenic zones, Cosmo-pathogenic effects and social influence

Gamma 7 devices by Dr. Okhatrin and Dr. Denisov

Gamma-7 devices protect from destructive influence of radiation from:

  • Smog 2Electromagnetic Smog: computers and office equipment (PCs, laptops, printers, copiers, etc.);
  • household appliances (TV sets, electric stoves, microwave ovens, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, etc.);
  • electric wiring;
  • effects produced by electromagnetic fields and speed of vehicles (underground, cars, planes, trains, etc.);
  • cell phones and cell towers;
  • electric mains;
  • geopathogenic zones (cracks in the earth, Hartmann and Curry net, burial places, mines, etc.);
  • cosmopathogenic effects (magnetic storms, solar and lunar eclipses, etc.);
  • stress influences;
  • aggressive/unfriendly attitude of other people and “energy vampires”.

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Gamma-7 Neutralizer

Universal Electromagnetic Shielding

Neutralizer “Gamma-7” eliminates (considerable reduces) the negative bio influence of electromagnetic, ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, and has a beneficial effect on the human body in case of psychic stress and limited physical activity, which is reflected in indices that characterize the stages of rebuilding the neuroendocrine regulation and immune system.

Neutralizer Gamma-7.N can be carried by any person. It is also suitable for children, pregnant women, elderly people and people with a weak immune system.

Just put Neutralizer in your pocket and be sure you are always protected from the radiation around you. Alternatively, you can place Neutralizer by the source of radiation (for example, by a TV set or a computer), and it will protect all people in the vicinity.

Mini-Neutralizer Gamma-7.N-RT

Cell Phone Radiation Protection

Mini-neutralizer Gamma-7.N-RT is created specially for radio- and cell phone radiation protection.

Mini-neutralizer neither absorbs nor reflects radiation waves. Like any other Gamma-7 devices, it neutralizes their destructive for the organism component. Therefore, you will not be getting any signal interference or other problems when using your mobile phone.

Just attach Mini-Neutralizer to your mobile phone and don’t worry about your cell-phone radiation any more.

Activator Gamma-7.A

Universal EMF Shielding + Field Energy

Unlike other Gamma-7 devices, Activator is a device with an active mode. This means that it does not only provide protection, but produces a certain effect on the human aura. Thanks to lanthanides in its structure one can get the additional field supply from Activator, which increases the natural forces of the organism and strengthens immune system. This device is for restoring of energy-informative resource of a human being and its protection from the influence of harmful exposure.

Therefore, for restoring of energy-informative system of a human being it should be applied step by step (starting with a few minutes a day and gradually increasing the time to several hours). It is especially important for everyone during the first months of using the device, and for women, children, elderly people and people with weak health during the whole time they use Activator. All the details can be seen in its manual.

Thanks to its features Activator is able to manage with extreme types of radiation. «Extreme» in our case refers to all kinds of radiation that exceed the safety norms accepted for working conditions. These include transformer vaults; data-centers with the abundance of ADP (automatic data processing) and computer equipment in a limited space; cockpits of electric and air transport; control rooms at the railway stations and control towers at the airports; power stations of all kinds; other buildings with an extremely high level of electromagnetic radiation.

Auto Anti-Stress Gamma-7.N-AS

Electromagnetic Shielding + Protection From Stress

Antistress is designed for reducing the harmful effects of stress and surrounding electromagnetic radiation, which one can meet while driving.

The device must be attached on the dash of your auto at a distance of 60-80 cm from the driver.

Also Antistress can be used as Neutralizer Gamma-7.N but with the bigger range (3,5 metres). It can be placed in small rooms and neutralize several sources of radiation at once (for example, several computers in a small office).

Antistress has no contraindications. However, the manufacturer recommends to refrain from wearing it on your body or carrying in your clothes. The device is designed to be used in a car, or to provide stationary protection to people in a limited space.

Choose Gamma 7 device

In order to understand which device (or a set of devices) you need, consult the table “Comparative characteristics of Gamma-7 devices”:

N – Neutralizer, A – Activator, MN – Mini-neutralizer for a mobile phone, AS – Antistress

1 Meaning of signs: + provides protection, – does not provide protection, +/- provides partial protection.

How Does Gamma-7 Work?

Placed within the area of negative impact of electromagnetic radiation, the device automatically starts to generate the type of radiation that is in opposite phase to the pathogenic one. The working element of every device is made of two multistage Archimedean spirals with three and a half turns symmetrically placed opposite each other, with the use of thin-film technologies. The spirals are manufactured from the alloy of gold, silver and copper. The spirals of Activator also have embedments of rare earth metals that provide a person with a supply of energy and a boost to immunity.

Thus, when no harmful radiation is detected, Gamma-7 devices work on a weak active mode, influenced by the natural energy radiation of Earth and surrounding objects, having no effect on a person whatsoever (except the rare-earth metals in the Activator). As soon as the devices are placed within the area of harmful electromagnetic influence (from any kind of household device or wiring, cell phones and mobile networks, transport, geopathogenic zones or society), they automatically switch to an active mode. Devices operate due to the secondary induction that is based on a subtle physical phenomenon, which acts counter to the original anomaly due to their opposite phases.

Such interaction of two subtle physical processes leads to their mutual neutralization. As a result, the energy impact of harmful radiation on you is reduced by 97–99%, which means almost total neutralization of pathogenic influence of all household appliances.

Gamma-7 devices Physics:

When a neutralizer is placed in anomalous energetic zones, it automatically switches into an active mode, thus inducing as a resonance a certain stable ultra-weak subtle energy field. This field operates on a wide range of frequencies (from the fraction of Hz to hundreds of GHz) and acts counter to the biological impact produced by the subtle energy of an external energetic anomaly. The interaction of radiation emitted by an active neutralizer and anomalous radiation of any kind emitted by some technical appliance results in a tangible destruction of physical grounds for the bio pathogenic character of the original radiation. It destroys the excessive influence of subtle energy components on the human body and its internal cellular interaction. Part of the space, which contains both the technical appliance emitting radiation (energetic anomaly) and the neutralizer, becomes energetically safe for all biological objects and Eco-friendly as well.

The Effect from Using “Gamma-7” Devices

The set of Gamma-7 devices will allow you to:

1) get permanent protection from the negative influence of any kind of electromagnetic radiation emitted within the range of 120-350 cm. There’s no need to buy a separate protection device for each household or office appliance like many other companies propose. Just put the device in your pocket, attach Mini-Neutralizer to your mobile phone and be sure you are always protected from the radiation around you. Alternatively, you can place a device by the source of radiation (for example, by a TV set or a computer), and it will protect all people in the vicinity;

2) keep your mind sound and clear for a much longer period of time while working on a computer, talking a lot on a cell phone or communicating with many people;

3) give your body a chance to direct its energy to self-recovery and self-regulation instead of wasting it on trying to resist anomalous radiation;

4) recover faster from physical and psychic strain;

5) relieve the tension from your urogenital, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Moreover, you get a chance to boost your immune system!

6) reduce reactions to stress. Your behavior (as well as the behavior of people close to you) will become more levelheaded and calm;

7) increase your work efficiency and productivity.

8 Reasons to Choose Gamma-7 devices

Reason #1 It reduces the radiation levels by 30-100 times (97-99%)!

Reason #2 It is universal. The set of 2 devices provides protection from radiation emitted by all the appliances around you! No need to buy a separate protection for each source of radiation. Just put Neutralizer in your pocket (attach Mini-Neutralizer to your mobile phone) and be sure you are always protected from the radiation around you. Wanna full protection? Get Activator for immune system and energy supply and Antistress for the protection of all the passуngers in your car. 

Reason #3 It neutralizes radiation without reflecting it onto close people around you. Most devices on the market simply reflect (screen) the destructive radiation, thus failing to reduce the negative electromagnetic field around and boosting the effect it has on living beings that happen to be within the reflection range. It has no contraindications (provided the recommendations on application are followed).

Reason #4 Neutralizers Gamma-7.N and Gamma-7.N-RT (for mobile phones) can be used by pregnant women and children from 0 years (provided the recommendations on application are followed).

Reason #5 There is no need in any power sources or charging as all the devices operate due to secondary induction created by the electromagnetic field that exceeds the natural radiation background.

Reason #6 It is comfortable to use, compact and does not require any special service or maintenance.

Reason #7 It is water-proof, does not get wet, does not absorb dust or mud.

Reason #8 The manufacturer gives a warranty of 10 years! In addition, the service life of the devices amounts to dozens of years.

Gamma 7 Warranties:

— The manufacturing company has been in the market for more than 25 years.

— All necessary certificates and expert reports have been acquired in the manufacturing country.

— All devices come from the official warehouse of “Gamma-7” Informatics Center trade representative.

— All devices have holograms that prove their authenticity.

— The manufacturer gives a 10 years warranty!

More about Dr. Okhatrin

Order Gamma 7 devices Now!

Gamma 7 devices for protection from Smog 2 (Electromagnetic Smog), Influence of geo-pathogenic zones, Cosmo-pathogenic effects and social influence