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GDVPLANET YouTube channel

GDVPLANET YouTube channel Bio-Well Tutorials Video Manual for Bio-Well by Dr. Korotkov GDVPLANET YouTube channel Bio-Well Tutorials. How to add person to the software GDVPLANET Bio-Well Tutorials. Conducting a full scanGDVPLANET…

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shungite pyramid
shungite pyramid


SCHUNGITE  is a Precambrian rock, a metamorphosed coal, which is a transition phase from the anthracite to the graphite. This stone is a calming stone, it absorbs negative influences. More…

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Practical application of the AK TOM

Practical application of the AK TOM devices by Dr. Kozhemyakin

Ak Tom® is an inter cellular, biofeedback communications device that has recently been introduced to the United States from Russia.

Practical application of the AK TOM

Using a crystal called an emitter (Gunn diode), it communicates with the body’s cellular structure using millimeter wave technology. The Ak Tom® is based on 30 years of research conducted in Russia and has proven itself to be so effective that it is approved as a medical device, class CE2A, and it is used extensively by doctors, hospitals and clinics.


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